Contingency for Everything

Technology is constantly evolving, with new systems being implemented and programs being updated regularly. Implementing effective onboarding methods can help expedite the process of getting your new interns up to speed quickly.

Below are some top onboarding methods for tech team members:

  1. Align new hires with company values.

    Sharing core values from the beginning clarifies the purpose behind what you’re doing every day. That way, everyone is on the same page and feels like an active part of the mission

  2. Don’t Wait for Day One

    Small gestures like sending a welcome email or hand-written note to your future intakes— or encouraging your team to reach out on LinkedIn and say “hey”—are highly encouraged during the onboarding process to give confidence and motivate the newcomers.

  3. Deliver onboarding information in short, daily parts

    There’s been a revolution in understanding how the brain works to remember information most effectively. long sessions to onboard simply don’t work, especially when the information is new and complex. The best onboarding and ongoing training methods are those that prioritise key concepts and deliver them in short, daily parts that last no more than five minutes.

  4. Assign a peer mentor.

    In the case of taking on a large number of individuals, it would be best to separate them into groups and assign a mentor to each one. The mentor also helps the new employee learn the lay of the land and integrate into the culture

  5. Encourage new intakes to give feedback

    This not only helps them better understand the context of their roles within the project, but also gives you an insight into your own processes. This can be extremely helpful because it forces you to look at problems in a fresh way, through the eyes of someone seeing them for the first time.

  6. Explain how new hires should reach you if they have any technical issues

    Include your:

Furthermore, onboarding users on new platforms and new software means a lot of things can go wrong on the user end. You have to plan for every type of issue and error, double emails, lost passwords, junk mail etc..